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Shelbyville Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents happen when drivers operate their vehicles irresponsibly. If their actions result in injuries, the injured person is allowed to recover property damages, medical costs, pain and suffering, lost wages, and potentially punitive damages, among other damages, from the at-fault driver.

When we talk about car “accidents”, we are really talking about negligence. If there is an accident, someone usually carelessly operated their vehicle in a way that endangered, and eventually harmed another person or persons. The negligent driver may have been distracted, impaired, or chosen to take unnecessary risks by driving beyond the speed limit, or outside the laws established to ensure safe travel.

Once the accident has occurred, there are many complex issues that need to be addressed immediately. You will need to consider medical treatment, short and long-term damage done to your physical and mental health, damage done to your vehicle, insurance issues. Additionally, other issues arise later on like settlement negotiations, the need to file a lawsuit, and possibly even trial.

If injured in a car accident, you have one chance for a fair settlement. You shouldn’t miss an opportunity to help you recover from your injuries. You can’t afford to make a mistake, so it is highly recommended that you seek legal advice from a qualified personal injury attorney as quickly as possible. Reach out to a Shelbyville car accident lawyer today to learn how our firm could help you.

What to Do After a Car Accident?

If you are involved in a car accident, the following actions are highly recommended:

  • Do not leave the scene of the accident, but if the other driver attempts to do so, get their license plate number;
  • Remain calm;
  • Determine if you or any of your passengers have been injured;
  • Call 911;
  • Obtain contact and insurance information from all parties involved in the accident;
  • Take photos of the accident scene, including the damages to all vehicles;
  • Obtain name address, and phone number from all witnesses;
  • Do not discuss the details of the accident with the other parties involved;
  • Do no admit fault for the accident to anyone;
  • Seek medical attention immediately;
  • Consider calling an attorney before you call your insurance company; and
  • Do not speak to other driver’s insurance company if they contact you.

An experienced attorney in Shelbyville could advise you on how to communicate with insurance companies after a car wreck.

Determining Fault and Potential Damages in a Shelbyville Auto Accident Case

A dedicated attorney can help determine fault, obtain your medical records and bills, gather any necessary evidence to prove your case, and can provide advice as to your options throughout the process. Recovering from your injuries, both physically and mentally, will be exhausting for any one person. That is why you need the best representation when working your way through the complicated process of establishing fault, negotiating with insurance companies, and navigating the legal system.

It is not the time to make mistakes with deadlines, negotiations, and other steps involved in the claims process. Consider hiring a car crash lawyer who can professionally manage this process and can help secure the maximum amount of compensation you deserve. They can help you make life better again.

Discuss Your Case with a Shelbyville Car Accident Attorney

Car accident injuries will cost you time, money, and will often result in lifestyle changes and physical pain. Insurance companies know you have a limited time to bring legal action and they will pressure you to settle before you hire an attorney, and for the least amount of money. Out of caution, it is recommended that every car accident injury case be filed within two years from the date of the collision to receive maximum compensation.

The sooner you call a Shelbyville car accident lawyer, the better your chances to win your case, receive the settlement or award you deserve, and get your life back to normal. You need an attorney with the experience to defend your legal rights and fight for everything you need to recover from your injuries. Meagher Injury Lawyers devotes 100% of its practice to helping personal injury victims in the state, with the vast majority of cases involving car accidents. Contact Tate Meagher and his team today to schedule your free attorney consultation. Remember, don’t wait, call Tate!

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