If you’ve injured your neck in a motor vehicle accident, you might be wondering whether it’s worth pursuing your injury claim, especially if you didn’t sustain any broken bones. To illustrate why it might be worth pursuing, let me share the story of my past client, Samantha.

Samantha’s Story

The Accident

Samantha was involved in a car accident where she sustained a significant neck injury. Initially, the other driver’s insurance company disputed liability, claiming that Samantha was at fault for coming into their insured driver’s lane. However, I managed to track down a witness who had been driving behind Samantha. This witness confirmed that the other driver was recklessly merging into Samantha’s lane, causing the accident. After presenting this witness’s testimony, the insurance company accepted liability.

Medical Treatment

Samantha was transported by ambulance to the hospital, where diagnostic tests confirmed she had no fractures. Despite not having broken bones, she continued to experience neck pain. Three weeks after the accident, she began physical therapy treatment and continued for several months until her condition improved.

Settlement Process

Once Samantha completed her treatment, my office collected all her medical records and bills. I then initiated settlement negotiations with the insurance company. After some back and forth, we settled Samantha’s case for $37,000, plus she received $10,000 in personal injury protection benefits, bringing her total recovery to $47,000. Samantha was thrilled, as she had no idea her claim could be worth that much.

Key Takeaways

Treatment is Crucial

The value of a neck injury claim isn’t solely dependent on broken bones or surgeries. Even if you only require physical therapy or chiropractic treatment, your claim can still be valuable. The key is to get the necessary treatment to document and address your injuries.

Importance of Evidence

Tracking down witnesses and gathering evidence is critical in disputed liability cases. A credible witness can make a significant difference in proving fault and securing a fair settlement.

Negotiation Strategy

Even if you receive a low initial offer from the insurance company, it doesn’t mean that’s the final word. Persistence in negotiations can lead to a fair settlement.

Responding to a Low Offer

If the insurance company sticks with a low settlement offer after you initiate negotiations, it’s essential to know how to respond effectively. You should watch this video about to pop up right here, where I explain how to handle a low offer and push for a fair settlement.


If you’ve been injured in Kentucky, remember to don’t wait; call Tate. Even if you think your claim isn’t worth much because you didn’t sustain broken bones, pursuing your neck injury claim can still lead to a significant recovery. Follow the steps Samantha took, and you might be pleasantly surprised by the outcome of your case.