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How To Pressure The Insurance Company

In order to get a fair and reasonable settlement in your injury case, you need to pressure the insurance company. You must force them to pay out a reasonable settlement to you. The insurance company is in the business of making money so they will take steps to minimize your settlement. You must fight back. Below are six ways you can put pressure on the insurance company to possibly get a bigger injury claim settlement.

1. Gather and Organize Evidence

It’s important to collect and organize all the evidence in your case. This includes medical records and bills, witness statements, the police report, and photographs depicting the accident scene or your injuries. Any document that substantiates the severity of your injuries and the damages you are seeking should be gathered. These documents should be sent to the insurance adjuster assigned to your case.

2. File a Lawsuit

Filing a lawsuit can put considerable pressure on the insurance company, especially if they’re unwilling to offer a fair settlement. The cost of hiring a defense lawyer and the subsequent litigation process might encourage them to increase their initial offer. It’s important to proceed with litigation with the mindset that you’re prepared to take the case to trial if necessary.

3. Hire an Expert Witness

An expert witness such as a medical expert or an accident reconstructionist can provide robust testimony and evidence to back your claim. Their expertise usually helps increase the value of your case and applies added pressure on the insurance company.

4. Be Persistent When Negotiating

Assertiveness is crucial when negotiating. Resist accepting the first offer from the insurance company if it’s below the policy limits. Patience and persistence are vital to advocating for your rights and seeking the compensation you deserve. Consider demanding the insurance policy limits when you begin your negotiations.

5. Demand Policy Limits and Set an Expiration Date

If your case is worth more than the available policy limits, make a demand for those limits and set a deadline for your offer. Insurance companies are obliged to act in good faith during negotiations. If they fail to offer the policy limits when it’s clear they should, it can expose them to a bad faith lawsuit. This tactic further increases pressure on the insurance company.

6. Consult with a Personal Injury Attorney

Consulting with a personal injury attorney like one at our law firm can provide invaluable guidance through the complexity of your injury claim. Hiring a lawyer also ensures that insurance companies take your claim seriously. And since personal injury lawyers, including those at our law firm, work on a contingency fee basis, you owe nothing unless we win your case.

Keep in mind that these steps depend on the specific circumstances of your case. It’s essential to consult with a personal injury attorney to advise you on the best course of action for your situation.

Contact Us For A Free Consultation On Your Injury Case

While knowing how to apply pressure on the insurance company is critical, it’s not the only requirement for a substantial settlement. You must also be aware of, and avoid, various tricks employed by insurance companies. We are aware of the games insurance companies play to try to minimize injury claim payouts. Attorney Tate Meagher spent years working on behalf of insurance companies so he had a front row seat to see how insurance companies defend injury claims in court. If you’ve been injured in a car accident, slipt or trip and fall incident, or dog bite incident in Kentucky, remember: Don’t wait, Call Tate!