According to WHAS, at least three vehicles were involved in a wreck on the Gene Snyder near National Turnpike. The accident happened on Friday, August 12, 2022, around 9:40 a.m. All lanes on the Gene Snyder were blocked while the accident was sorted out.
Proving which driver was liable for an accident involving three or more vehicles can be difficult. If you were injured in an accident involving three or more vehicles, any insurance company that insured any of the at-fault drivers could make the claim-handling process difficult for you as they can deny liability and take the position that one of the other drivers involved in the accident is at fault.
Additionally, Kentucky is what is known as a pure comparative negligence state. This means that a percentage of fault can be apportioned against any of the drivers involved in the motor vehicle accident. For example, in a three-vehicle accident, a trier of fact may determine that one driver has no liability in the accident, but the driver of the other two vehicles each is 50% liability for the accident. In such a situation, if you are injured in the accident and are not apportioned any liability, you would be entitled to recover 50% of your damages from each at-fault driver or their insurer.
It is important to investigate any motor vehicle accident as soon as possible after it occurs. Tate and his team can investigate your motor vehicle accident to determine the liable parties and their insurance companies. Meagher Injury Lawyers will take the burden of the investigation and insurance claim process off of your shoulders. Don’t Wait, Call Tate! today for a free legal evaluation of your motor vehicle accident injury case.