You deserve fair compensation for your injury claim. Insurance companies will try to get you to settle for a lowball settlement. Do not fall for this insurance company trick. In this video, I will teach you why you should never settle your injury claim for the lowball settlement offer made by the insurance company. To do so, let me tell you the story of my past client, Alice. Alice’s case involves a trip and fall incident, but what I’m about to teach you in this video applies to any type of personal injury case, including motor vehicle accidents, dog attack incidents, and any other type of personal injury claim.

Alice’s Story

Alice was over 80 years old at the time of her fall. She was a very deserving client, and, like all my clients, I wanted to get her the best result possible in her case. Alice was leaving a steak restaurant when she tripped on a hump in the rug near the exit that she did not see. She took a hard tumble. As a result of her fall, she sustained fractures in her left cheek and nose. Her face incurred significant bruising. Her total medical expenses for treatment related to her injuries sustained in the accident totaled a little over $15,000.

My office began representing Alice several months following her incident. Alice was lost and needed help on her claim. The key evidence in Alice’s case was sent to the insurance company for the restaurant along with a demand letter in an attempt to initiate settlement negotiations with the insurance company. In response to this demand package, the insurance company made a lowball offer in the amount of only $1,800 to settle Alice’s case, disputing that the restaurant had any liability for Alice’s injuries.

Our Response

Since the insurance company made what we believed to be a ridiculous lowball offer, our decision as to what to do next was an easy one. We filed a lawsuit with the local courthouse against the restaurant. We wanted to show the insurance company that we meant business and we were ready to litigate Alice’s case all the way to trial if necessary. The filing of the lawsuit put pressure on the insurance company, making this particular insurance company come to its senses.

Shortly after we filed the lawsuit, the insurance company reached out to us with a much more reasonable offer. From there, we negotiated back and forth for about a week before finally reaching a settlement in the amount of $150,000. Alice was ecstatic. She did not settle for less, and it paid off.

The Takeaway

You should never sell your injury claim short. It is the goal of the insurance company to get you to accept a low settlement offer, but do not let the insurance company win. Getting fair compensation may take some time and effort, but it is worth it. You may have to take action on your case to show the insurance company that you need to be taken seriously. But it’s been my experience that as long as you pursue your case through the court system, at some point, in most cases, they will make you a fair and reasonable settlement offer.

Key Advice

Do not back down from the insurance company when they make you a lowball offer. Do not settle for less than what your claim is worth. But the thing is, right after you file a lawsuit, it’s not usually the case that the insurance company will immediately come to its knees and make you a fair offer in your injury case. In many cases, you must be patient to get a fair offer in your case.

And in this video about to pop up right here, I’ll tell you how you can use patience to your advantage to win your injury case. Lastly, if you’ve been injured in a car accident, slip or trip and fall incident, or dog attack incident in Kentucky, remember to don’t wait, call Tate.