This is Kentucky Injury Lawyer Tate Meagher with Meagher Injury Lawyers. So, can social media impact your personal injury case? The short answer is yes. Social media can negatively impact your injury case in a number of ways. In fact, I tell all of my clients not to post anything on social media while their claim is pending. Stay off Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and any social media site. Stay off.

Activities That Can Damage Your Injury Case

The following activities can be particularly damaging to your injury case:

  1. Posting Photos of Physical Activities: Avoid posting photos of you doing any physical activities when you are suing for debilitating injuries.
  2. Posting Confidential Settlement Details: Never post any confidential settlement details.
  3. Checking in at a Gym or Fitness Class: Avoid checking in at a gym or fitness class while claiming you are immobile in your injury claim.
  4. Posting About Working: Do not post about working when you are claiming lost wages in your injury claim.

Legal Implications

Keep in mind, a judge can possibly order that your social media posts be provided to a defense attorney working for an insurance company. As such, out of caution, it’s best not to post on social media while your injury claim is pending.

Caution Against Deleting Posts

I would also highly recommend that you do not delete any social media posts either. If you do, it can be viewed as if you’re trying to destroy evidence, and that can negatively impact your case.


Remember, if you have been injured in an accident, don’t wait—call Tate. Also, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch more of my videos. Thanks for reading!