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Mount Washington Truck Accident Lawyer

Tractor-trailer trucks frequently cause severe injuries, and even death, when involved in accidents with automobiles, motorcycles, or even pedestrians. When commercial truck drivers are the negligent cause of a collision, the victim injured in the crash likely has a viable claim to be compensated for their damages, including past and future medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. With the help of a Mount Washington truck accident lawyer, injury victims may be able to hold the driver and their employer or insurer accountable.

Going up against a trucking company and its insurer can be difficult without an experienced personal injury attorney. These large corporations frequently have an army of lawyers ready to defend injury claims due to a trucking accident. You have the right to hire a Mount Washington truck accident law firm to even the playing field. To get started, schedule a consultation today.

Truck Accident Causes

Trucking accidents often result from a variety of factors. Some of the most common causes of commercial truck accidents include:

  • Driver fatigue: Trucking companies sometimes place unreasonable physical demands on their drivers. Truck drivers are frequently required to drive for long periods of time and across long distances. Truck accidents often occur when truck drivers are sleeping at the wheel.
  • Aggressive driving: Truck drivers that are tailgating, speeding, and engaging in other aggressive driving actions can result in fatal collisions on roadways.
  • Weather conditions: Truck drivers sometimes fail to adjust their driving behavior to adverse conditions like rain, sleet, or snow. Such behavior can lead to major truck accidents.
  • Mechanical failure: Serious trucking collisions can occur when defective truck parts malfunction. Faulty steering components, brake systems, and transmissions can lead to fatal trucking accidents.
  • Improperly loaded cargo: Tractor-trailers sometimes are transporting goods that are not properly secured or loaded onto the trailer property. Accidents can occur when loaded merchandise shift the trailer or fall into the roadway.
  • Distracted driving: Using a cell phone while driving is a very common distraction for any driver, including truck drivers. Distracted driving can lead to truck drivers failing to use a turn signal or to check for blind spots when changing lanes. Rear-end accidents are also a common type of truck accident that can result from distracted driving.
  • Driving under the influence: Any truck driver that is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol risks causing harm to others on the roadway. Truck drivers also often use energy pills or other drugs to try to remain awake while driving. This type of behavior can impair the truck driver’s ability to drive.

Talk to a skilled lawyer about the cause of your tractor-trailer accident.

Types of Compensation After a Trucking Collision

Wight the help of an experienced truck wreck attorney, you could seek compensation from the at-fault party. Damages a person can recover include:

  • Past medical expenses, such as costs of ambulance services, emergency room visits, surgery, physical therapy, medical equipment, and other necessary medical treatment.
  • Future medical expenses for any medical costs a truck accident victim may incur in the future.
  • Lost wages for payment for any lost income a person has incurred from the time of the truck accident.
  • Impairment to earning capacity which is for compensation for a reduction to a person’s ability to earn income in the future.
  • Pain and suffering for the suffering from the physical pain endured and caused by the injuries sustained in the truck accident. To come up with the value of pain and suffering, the following factors must be evaluated: the extent of the pain, the length of time the pain might last, and the nature of the pain.

Contact a Mount Washington Truck Accident Attorney Right Away

If you or a loved one were injured or passed away due to a tractor-trailer wreck, you might benefit from retaining a Mount Washington truck accident lawyer.  You never owe anything unless Tate and his team win your case. There are never any upfront costs, and all initial legal consultations are free. Don’t wait, Call Tate and learn about your legal options!