Man Critically Injured in Wreck on I-264 Near Newburg Road

by Oct 27, 2022Car Accident Law0 comments

Per WAVE3, a wreck on I-264 eastbound near Newburg Road that occurred on Sunday, October 23, 2022, around 4 p.m. has left one man in critical condition.  According to Louisville Metro Police Department, Louisville Metro police officers responded to the wreck.  The initial investigation revealed that the driver and adult man of the vehicle were traveling eastbound when they lost control and struck a concrete barrier.  The driver was transported by ambulance to UofL Hospital and is in critical condition.

If you or a loved one were recently injured in a car accident, you are likely to find out that recovery involves more than just getting medical treatment. You are probably also dealing with an insurance company that is not looking out for your best interest. Insurance companies are usually more of a hassle and provide very little help in such scenarios.

It is quite common for our car accident injury clients at Meagher Injury Lawyers to have never been in this situation before.  Many of our clients say they are just not “the type to sue,” yet they cannot risk accepting a lowball settlement offer after sustaining injuries in a car accident that was not their fault.

Based on his several years of experience working on behalf of insurance companies defending car accident injury claims and years of experience fighting for the rights of injured car accident victims, Tate Meagher knows the pressures you are facing today.  During this difficult time, it is crucial that you have a complete understanding of the damages you suffered and a represented by counsel specializing in car accident injury claims to negotiate from the strongest position possible.  That’s where Tate and his team come in.

You can count on Meagher Injury Lawyers to fight passionately to protect your rights after sustaining injuries in a car accident.  We can investigate the car accident and identify the responsible party and their insurance company.   We can also locate all possible policies providing insurance for your injuries, obtain and gather your medical records and bills, and outline your damages to the insurance company when attempting to obtain the maximum settlement for your claim.  If necessary, we will also present a strong and comprehensive case in court on your behalf.  Many car accident injury claims can be settled without going to court, but if that is not possible in your case, we will be prepared to take your case to trial.

You are faced with a very difficult time after being injured in a car accident.  Medical bills pile up, and oftentimes, you are prevented from working, which leads to no money coming in to support yourself or your family.  Don’t Wait, Call Tate! today for your free initial legal consultation.  It is crucial that you protect not only your health but also your financial future.  Tate is ready to meet you at one of our two office locations, by phone, by video conference call like Facetime or Zoom (whichever you prefer), or anywhere that is convenient for you.  Let us handle the burdens associated with your car accident injury claim while you focus on getting healthy.

Meagher Injury Lawyers