Check For all Available Insurance In Your Car Accident Case

by Aug 25, 2024Car Accident Law0 comments

When you’ve been injured in a car accident through no fault of your own, it’s natural to want every penny of compensation you deserve. The best way to ensure this is by identifying all available insurance policies that might apply to your case. Many people overlook this crucial step, which can significantly impact the compensation they receive.

For example, let’s discuss the case of my former client, Chelsea (her real name is not being disclosed in order to protect her identity). Chelsea was a passenger in a single-vehicle accident that left her with significant injuries, including a fractured wrist. Her medical bills were mounting, and she was struggling to make ends meet, especially after the unexpected death of her brother, with whom she had been living with.

When Chelsea contacted me, I wanted to do everything possible to help her through this difficult time. Once she completed her medical treatment, my office gathered all her medical records and bills and sent a demand package to the at-fault driver’s insurance company. The insurer quickly offered the policy limits of $50,000, but this amount was nowhere near enough to cover the full extent of Chelsea’s damages.

From the outset, we had asked Chelsea several questions to determine if any other insurance policies might apply to her claim. Fortunately, we discovered that because Chelsea had been living with her brother at the time of the accident, she might be eligible for benefits under her brother’s insurance policy. In Kentucky and several other states, a resident relative may be entitled to insurance benefits under the automobile insurance policy of a relative with whom they reside.

In Chelsea’s case, this meant she could potentially receive underinsured motorist (UIM) benefits from her brother’s policy. UIM benefits provide additional financial protection if the at-fault driver’s insurance doesn’t cover all of your damages. However, since her brother had passed away, we faced the challenge of proving Chelsea’s residency at her brother’s address at the time of the accident.

After gathering statements from individuals who could confirm Chelsea’s living situation, we filed a claim for UIM benefits under her brother’s policy. The insurance company initially resisted, but through persistence, we were able to secure an additional $50,000 in UIM benefits. Combined with $10,000 in personal injury protection benefits, Chelsea’s total recovery amounted to $110,000.

This case underscores the importance of investigating all possible insurance coverage after an accident. Whether it’s an umbrella policy, an employer’s insurance policy, or the insurance policy for a relative that you reside with, identifying every available source of compensation can make a substantial difference in your recovery.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, slip or trip and fall accident, or dog attack in Kentucky, we are here to provide you with a free consultation for your case. We take pride in advocating for Kentucky residents who have been injured due to another’s negligence. We also never take a fee unless we win your case.  Don’t Wait, Call Tate! for your free attorney consultation today. Call us anytime at (502) 309-9213.

Tate Meagher