This is Kentucky Injury Lawyer Tate Meagher with Meagher Injury Lawyers. So why is it wise to hire a lawyer as soon as possible after being injured in a motor vehicle accident in Kentucky? There are several reasons, but I’ll focus on some of the big ones in this post.

Maximize Compensation

One big reason is it will give you the best chance to maximize the amount of compensation you receive in your pocket at the end of the case. A lawyer can help maximize the value of your case for several reasons. One of the big reasons is because Kentucky is known as a no-fault state. This means that as long as you have not rejected no-fault coverage on your automobile policy, you are entitled to at least $10,000 in no-fault benefits to go towards your medical bills or lost wages. No-fault coverage is also called PIP coverage, which stands for personal injury protection benefits.

A lawyer can help maximize this no-fault coverage for you by directing your auto insurer to not pay any huge bills from, for instance, the ER hospital visit, or any other big medical bills. Instead, having your health insurance, Medicaid, or Medicare coverage pay these big bills. Usually, your health insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid pays at a discounted rate. By doing this, it helps maximize the amount of money you ultimately receive in your pocket.

Insurance Companies Are Not On Your Side

Another reason to get a lawyer as soon as possible is that the insurance company is not on your side. The insurance company will try to get you to accept a low-ball offer if you don’t have an attorney. If you don’t have an attorney, the insurance company knows there’s minimal risk that you will file a lawsuit to protect your rights.

Preserve Crucial Evidence

A lawyer can help gather all the crucial evidence in your case that needs to be preserved so it is not destroyed. This can be vital in proving your case and ensuring you receive the compensation you deserve.

Free Legal Consultations

These are just a few reasons to hire a lawyer after your car accident injury in Kentucky. There are several more. My office provides free legal consultations for anyone injured in a motor vehicle accident, and we never take a fee unless we win your case. So give us a call if you’ve been injured in an accident in Kentucky.


Remember, if you have been injured in an accident, don’t wait—call Tate. Also, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch more of my videos. Thanks for reading!