This is Kentucky Injury Attorney Tate Meagher with the Meagher Law Office. Here are the five things I suggest you do if you have been injured in an Uber or Lyft accident.

1. Call 9-1-1 Immediately

Call 9-1-1 immediately after the accident. Make sure the police come to the accident scene. Tell the police what happened and that you are injured. The police will investigate the accident and create a police report that can be sent to the insurance companies for your injury claim.

2. Document the Accident Scene

If you are able to get out of the vehicle following the accident, take pictures and videos documenting the property damage sustained by the vehicles involved and depicting the scene of the accident.

3. Get Medical Treatment

Get medical treatment and do your best not to miss any of your appointments with any medical provider. Proper medical documentation is crucial for your injury claim.

4. Do Not Give a Recorded Statement

Do not give a recorded statement to any insurance company. Recorded statements can be used against you if your case has to go to court. Thus, it’s best not to give a recorded statement.

5. Call an Injury Lawyer

Call an injury lawyer as soon as possible following the accident to make sure your rights are protected.

Additional Point

One last point I’ll make is to remember that Uber and Lyft typically have substantial insurance policies in place that can provide coverage to you even if the other driver does not have any insurance or does not have enough insurance to pay for your damages.


Remember, if you have been injured in an accident, don’t wait. Call Tate. Also, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch more of my videos. Thanks for reading!