Hello, Kentucky personal injury attorney here, Tate Maher with the Maher Law Office. Thanks for joining me here today. I’m here today to talk about the biggest tips I have for you following a car accident. What should you do following a car accident?

Call the Police

First, you know, call the police. Make sure they come out and create a police report. This is essential for documenting the details of the accident and establishing an official record.

Seek Medical Attention

If you’ve been injured, don’t be afraid to go in the ambulance and get medical treatment right away. I highly recommend it. Kentucky is what is called a no-fault state. You may have heard that phrase before. It essentially means if your vehicle is insured and you’re involved in a car accident, it’s very likely that you have what is called no-fault coverage on your car insurance or PIP benefits (personal injury protection benefits).

No-Fault Coverage

No-fault coverage means the first $10,000 of medical treatment will be paid directly by your car insurance to the medical providers. Additionally, you can also get lost wages, up to $200 a week, through PIP benefits. Don’t be afraid to make a claim under that type of coverage because, at the end of the day, if the other driver is at fault, your PIP insurer will try to make a claim against the other driver’s insurance. This process is called a subrogation claim, where they will attempt to recoup those benefits.

Take Photographs

Next big tip is to take photographs at the accident scene. Make sure you get photos of the property damage to the vehicles and the layout of where the accident happened so that it can be documented. If you’re unable to do this at the scene because you’re injured, at least call a loved one so they can come to the scene. I’d highly recommend that you request they take photographs on your behalf.

Don’t Admit Fault

Do not admit fault at the scene to anybody. Don’t even discuss the details of the accident itself with the other driver. Even if you believe that you’re 100% at fault, you might not know all the facts at that time. That is not the time to admit fault.

Gather Witness Information

Gather witness information at the scene. If there was anybody that witnessed the accident, get their name and number, and find out their version of the accident. Ask if they can stick around and give a statement to the police officer. This can be highly beneficial, especially in disputed green light accidents or similar situations.

Avoid Talking to the Other Driver’s Insurance

Do not talk to the other driver’s insurance company following the accident. They are not going to be looking out for your best interests. Certainly, don’t give a recorded statement. I would highly encourage that you at least consult with a personal injury attorney before deciding whether or not to give a recorded statement in your scenario. An attorney can help determine if it’s a good idea to provide a statement based on your specific situation.