This is Kentucky Injury Lawyer Tate Meagher with Meagher Injury Lawyers. In this post, I will discuss the three biggest factors in any injury case: liability, damages, and insurance.

1. Liability

To have a successful injury claim, you must prove another party is liable for your injuries and damages. For instance, if someone is operating a vehicle that is stopped at a red light and is struck in the rear by another driver, it appears obvious that the driver who struck the stopped vehicle in the rear is liable for the accident and thus liable for any injuries or damages caused. Liability in accidents is not always this clear, though. To succeed in an injury case, you must prove at least some liability against another person or entity.

2. Damages

Damages are essentially the injuries or losses sustained by a person. The more severe the injuries, the more damages someone will have and thus the potential for a higher payout for the injury case. When injured in an accident, you may be entitled to several types of damages due to your injuries, including but not limited to:

  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages

3. Insurance

In many cases, an injury case is only worth the amount of insurance available to the injury victim. Thus, the higher the insurance policy limits available to an injury victim, the potential for a higher payout. For instance, in an automobile accident, it is unfortunately common that some drivers only carry minimal liability insurance or do not have any insurance at all. If a person is injured in an automobile accident caused by a driver with no or very little insurance, it is likely that they will get nothing or very little from pursuing a claim against them. In this case, the injury case is only worth the amount of insurance available to the injured person. The only way the injured victim in that scenario could protect themselves is to obtain uninsured motorist coverage or underinsured motorist coverage on their automobile insurance policy.


Remember, if you have been injured in an accident, don’t wait—call Tate. Also, be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel and watch more of our videos. Thanks for reading!