I know how to put pressure on insurance companies to pay out more on injury claims. I know this because I’ve previously spent years defending personal injury claims in court on behalf of insurance companies. If you want to get paid more on your injury claim, you must put pressure on the insurance company. In this video, I will discuss six ways you can put more pressure on the insurance company.

Gather and Organize All Evidence

The first way to put pressure on the insurance company is to gather and organize all the evidence. Make sure you obtain the evidence to support your claim, including medical records, medical bills, witness statements, the police report, photographs of the accident scene or photographs depicting your injuries, and any other documentation or materials that support the severity of your injuries and the damages you are seeking. Once you have gathered this evidence, send the evidence to the insurance adjuster working your case. Insurance companies have a duty to evaluate all the evidence and act in good faith when it comes to their claims.

File a Lawsuit

The second way to put pressure on the insurance company is to file a lawsuit. If the insurance company is unwilling to offer you a fair settlement, you may need to file a lawsuit to seek the compensation you deserve. This can put pressure on the insurance company to offer a more reasonable settlement. After filing a lawsuit, the insurance company will have to hire a defense lawyer to defend your claim. Litigation can be costly for insurance companies. Rather than spending all their money on litigation, the insurance company may just up the offer previously offered to you. Also, it’s been my experience that at some point in litigation, the insurance company will offer a higher amount in your case. But it’s important that you litigate the case with the mindset that you will take the case to trial if a fair offer is not made.

Hire an Expert Witness

The third way to put pressure on the insurance company is to hire an expert witness. An expert witness, such as a medical expert to support your injuries or damages, or an accident reconstructionist if who caused the accident is being disputed by the insurance company, can provide testimony and evidence to support your claim. Hiring an expert that can provide a favorable opinion about your case usually helps increase the value of your case.

Be Persistent When Negotiating

The fourth way to put pressure on the insurance company is to be persistent when negotiating. Don’t be afraid to advocate for yourself and continue to push for a fair settlement. Never, never take the first offer made by the insurance company if that offer is below the policy limits. It may take time and persistence, but it’s important to stand up for your rights and seek the compensation you deserve.

Demand the Insurance Policy Limits

The fifth way to put pressure on the insurance company is to consider first demanding the insurance policy limits. If you have a case worth over the available policy limits, make a demand for the policy limits in writing and set an expiration date as to when your policy limits demand expires. Insurance companies have a duty to act in good faith when negotiating with you. If you provide them with the necessary evidence in support of your claim and you make a demand for the policy limits, and it’s clear the insurance company should offer you the policy limits to protect their insured from a judgment in excess of the policy limits. If the insurance company does not offer the policy limits in such a scenario, it exposes the insurance company to a bad faith lawsuit brought directly against the insurance company. This tactic puts more pressure on the insurance company to pay out the policy limits to you. It’s crucial you set an expiration date on your demand offer for the policy limits and stick to this expiration date. Don’t let the insurance company unreasonably push back the expiration date.

Consult with a Personal Injury Attorney

The sixth way to put pressure on the insurance company is to consult with, and consider retaining, a personal injury attorney. An attorney may not be necessary in every case, but it doesn’t hurt to at least consult with one so you know your legal options. An experienced injury lawyer like myself can guide you through the complexity of your injury claim and help you negotiate a maximum compensation settlement. When you hire an injury lawyer, insurance companies generally take a more serious approach. You also have no risk in hiring a lawyer as every injury lawyer I know, including myself, works on a contingency fee basis, meaning you owe nothing unless the attorney wins your case.


It’s important to keep in mind that every case is different and the specific steps you take to put pressure on an insurance company to pay out more for your injury case will depend on the specific circumstances of your case. It’s a good idea to speak with a personal injury attorney who can advise you on the best course of action for your situation. Knowing how to put pressure on the insurance company for your injury claim can be helpful, but that alone won’t get you a fair settlement. There are actually many tricks insurance companies use that you will need to know how to avoid to give yourself a shot at a fair settlement. In this video here, I’ll show you what those tricks are that you will need to avoid so you don’t get stuck with a lowball settlement. Lastly, if you’ve been injured in a car accident in Kentucky, remember: don’t wait; call Tate.