Louisville Dog Bite Lawyer


You may need a Louisville dog bite attorney if you have sustained bodily injury from a dog attack.

Dog Bite Attorney In Louisville

Despite their popularity among Louisville residents, dogs represent a serious risk for bodily injury. Like any wild animal, it is impossible to perfectly predict their actions or mood. A dog could suddenly attack without provocations for reasons that are impossible to understand. When dog bites happen, a practiced injury attorney could step in and hold the dog owner accountable.

If you sustained injuries in a dog attack, you might have a viable legal claim against the owner of the animal. These claims differ in many ways from typical negligence cases, making experience with dog bite litigation valuable. Let a Louisville dog bite lawyer review your case and advise you on your chances for recovery.

Louisville dog bite attorney

Experienced Louisville Dog Bite Attorney at Your Service

Were you or a loved one injured by a dog due to an owner’s negligence? Contact Meagher Injury Lawyers in Louisville for a free consultation and pursue the compensation you deserve.

Dog bites can have severe consequences, leading to both physical injuries and emotional trauma. It’s essential to seek legal guidance to ensure you get the compensation you need to recover.

Understanding Kentucky Dog Bite Law

Kentucky’s dog bite laws hold dog owners strictly liable for any injuries their dogs cause, regardless of the dog’s prior behavior. Unlike states with a “one-bite rule,” Kentucky law makes it easier to hold dog owners accountable. This includes not just bites but any injury caused by the dog.

Tate's was an Amazing God Send for both Daughter and myself!! From the moment we contacted Tate, he was extremely forthcoming with great information!! Additionally, and he never made us feel "less than" when we needed to ask him a ...
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Tenisha Griffin
Tate's was an Amazing God Send for both Daughter and myself!! From the moment we contacted Tate, he was extremely forthcoming with great information!! Additionally, and he never made us feel "less than" when we needed to ask him a ton of questions pertertaining to our 1st personal injury claims. Tate and Conner were both patient and kind during the entire process and at the end of our claims, we received Much More in our settlements than we could've imagined!! 🙂 Please don't hesitate to call Tate. He will Tate excellent care of you and your family.
Tenisha Griffin
Tenisha Griffin
Tate has a wealth of knowledge, and he’s just a genuine, good person who’s willing to help, he answered my questions, without hesitation in a business that usually wants you to be the client before they...
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Michael Chonos
Tate has a wealth of knowledge, and he’s just a genuine, good person who’s willing to help , he answered my questions, without hesitation in a business that usually wants you to be the client before they reveal anything to you . I was disappointed that he is not in my state, and I am not able to hire him. His YouTube videos are amazing. I would choose him as my attorney in a heartbeat.
Michael Chonos
Michael Chonos
In my officiating career I have met many professional people of HIGH INTEGRITY. Extremely hard workers. I would put Tate up there with any of them. Call him and you will see how hard he’ll work for...
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John McGrath
In my officiating career I have met many professional people of HIGH INTEGRITY. Extremely hard workers. I would put Tate up there with any of them. Call him and you will see how hard he’ll work for you. God Bless Johnny McGrath. NFL # 5
John McGrath
John McGrath
Highly recommend working with Meagher Lawyer, Tate is absolutely excellent to work with and very helpful and answers all questions we have! BETTER CALL TATE.
Highly recommend working with Meagher Lawyer, Tate is absolutely excellent to work with and very helpful and answers all questions we have! BETTER CALL TATE.

Insurance Coverage For Dog Bites

Often, the dog owner may be a friend or neighbor, and you might hesitate to file a claim. However, most homeowners’ and renters’ insurance policies cover dog bites, so the financial burden typically falls on the insurance company, not the individual dog owner. Note that some policies may exclude certain breeds.

Potential Dog Bite Damages

You may be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical expenses, both current and future
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement
  • Psychological trauma

This compensation aims to cover your losses and support your recovery.

The Value of a Dog Bite Claim

The average dog bite claim can exceed $50,000 when covered by insurance. Filing a claim typically results in the insurance company paying, with minimal out-of-pocket costs for the dog owner.

Third-Party Liability

In some cases, others besides the dog owner may be liable, such as:

  • A landlord who allowed a dangerous dog on their property
  • A dog keeper or kennel owner
  • Property owners under premises liability if they permitted a dog on their property

You can potentially sue multiple parties for your injuries.

Comparative Fault in Dog Bite Cases

Kentucky uses a “pure comparative fault” system, meaning if you are partially at fault for the incident, your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. For instance, if you are found 30% at fault, your compensation would be reduced by 30%.

Statute of Limitations

In Kentucky, you have one year from the date of the bite to file a claim. Missing this deadline can result in losing your right to compensation.

Settling vs. Suing

Most dog bite cases settle out of court through negotiations with the insurance company. However, being prepared to file a lawsuit can be crucial to access necessary evidence and demonstrate your seriousness about the claim.

Contact a Louisville Dog Bite Attorney

At Meagher Injury Lawyers, we specialize in dog bite cases and are committed to winning your claim. Our team operates on a contingency basis, meaning you owe us nothing unless you win. Let us help you get the compensation you need to move forward.

Contact us today for a free consultation and take the first step toward recovering the compensation you deserve.

Dog Bite Cases Frequently Asked Questions

What happens in Kentucky if your dog bites someone?

Under Kentucky law, pet owners are strictly liable for any property damage, bites, and other injuries caused by their pets. “Strict liability” means that victims can more easily prove the owner’s responsibility to pay damages, which are financial compensations for the losses suffered in the incident.

What is the statue of limitations for dog bite case in Kentucky?

After a dog bite in Kentucky, an injured victim has approximately one year to file a civil lawsuit in court, as mandated by the state’s “statute of limitations.” It’s crucial to remember this legal timeframe following a dog attack to ensure you retain the right to seek compensation.

What is the vicious dog law in Kentucky?

If a court finds that a dog has aggressively and without provocation attacked a person while off its owner’s property, or if the dog owner does not appear in court, the owner may face legal penalties under Kentucky law. These penalties can include a fine between $50 and $200 and/or a jail sentence ranging from 10 to 60 days, as specified in Kentucky Revised Statutes § 258.990 (3)(b).

Common Dog Bite Injuries

The most common injury involving a dog bite are bruising and lacerations. These bites often break the skin at the bite location, which is more often than not the arms or hands. Bites to the face are also common. These cuts and bruises can be painful to heal and frequently result in permanent scarring or disfigurement.

A bite from a dog can have other consequences. One of the most severe risks of a dog bite is the threat of infection. Infections are common with dog bites and can lead to serious—even fatal—health consequences if the injuries go untreated.

Another serious consequence of a dog bite is nerve damage. This damage can occur with large or small dogs. Even a seemingly minor injury to the hand could result in permanent nerve damage. This could result in symptoms like chronic pain, numbness, or paralysis.

Following a dog bite, it is vital to seek medical treatment as soon as possible. After all medical needs are attended to, a discussion with an attorney could also be beneficial. A dog bite attorney in Louisville could review the scope of the injuries and the facts surrounding the case. Once the investigation is complete, an attorney could advise the dog bite victim on the strength of their legal claim.

Pursuing Legal Action Following A Dog Bite

The right to file an injury lawsuit against the owner of the animal following a dog bite differs from one state to another. In Louisville, the laws regarding dog bite liability are relatively favorable to the injured party. This is due to the Commonwealth’s adoption of a “strict liability” standard for dog bite cases. Under this standard, the owner of the dog is liable for any injuries they cause. This is true even without evidence that the owner acted negligently in allowing the attack to happen. As long as a Louisville dog bite injury victim and their lawyer can establish that the defendant owned the dog that attacked them, they could recover compensation for their injuries.

There are important caveats to understand. The strict liability standard does not apply when the injured party provokes the dog first. The same is true in cases involving trespassers.

Contact A Louisville Dog Bite Attorney Right Away

If you have suffered a dog bite, it is understandable if you are unsure of your next move. While your health is paramount, it is also important to protect your legal rights immediately after an animal attack.

A Louisville dog bite lawyer could help you protect your injury claim by filing a civil lawsuit against the owner of the animal. Call right away to get started with your dog bite claim.


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