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When To Settle Injury Claim Fast?

When To Settle Injury Claim Fast?

Car accident injuries can be as varied as they are numerous, ranging from minor cuts and bruises to serious injuries that can affect your life significantly. While the vast majority of injury claims settle before a trial, in most car accident injury cases, it is...
What Is Your Injury Claim Value?

What Is Your Injury Claim Value?

What is your injury claim value? Insurance companies often view injury claimants as numbers in a large dataset. They rely heavily on quantitative information to evaluate and value claims. Once you have established a valid liability claim, insurance providers generally...
Big Injury Case? Do You Have One?

Big Injury Case? Do You Have One?

As an experienced injury lawyer serving all of Kentucky, I often encounter the question: “What makes a big injury case?” The answer isn’t as straightforward as one might think. To understand this complex issue, let’s delve into the factors that...
Injury Claim Mistakes To Avoid

Injury Claim Mistakes To Avoid

If you have never handled a personal injury claim, there are many injury claim mistakes you need to be on the lookout for to avoid. Injury claims can be quite confusing if you’ve never had to navigate through one before. The process has potential pitfalls that...