About Meagher Injury Lawyers

Don’t wait call Tate!

About Us

Meagher Injury Lawyers was founded with a vision to provide a client-centered law firm that prioritizes personalized attention. We are fellow Kentuckians that are passionate about helping injury victims navigate the legal process against large insurance companies and corporations.

We refuse to back down to the Goliaths by providing relentless advocacy for our injured clients. In providing our services we make three promises to our clients.

You Will Speak With Your Lawyer, Not Just Administrative Staff


At Meagher Injury Lawyers, we pride ourselves in adding a personal touch to each case. That is why we strive to treat you like a human, not like a file. We will provide you with significant updates on your case. If it has been some time since you heard from us and are wondering what is going on with your case, you can always call us or text us on our dedicated client text line and request to speak with your lawyer. If the lawyer at our firm handling your case is not available when you contact us, you can expect a call from a lawyer at our firm usually within a couple of hours (if not sooner), but always by the next business day.


Tate Meagher

Injury Lawyer, Founder

David W. Mushlin

Personal Injury Attorney

Christopher Bailey

Personal Injury Attorney

Conor Wellman

Legal Assistant

You Always Get More Than Us

Our firm’s fee will never be more than the amount you receive in your pocket. Personal injury cases can be complex, and many parties may have to be compensated out of any financial recovery made on your case. If at the end of your case the liens and case expenses are so high that the calculated fees would be more than the amount of money you get on your case, we will reduce the amount of our attorney fees to ensure that you receive the larger share. We believe this only to be fair.

No Fee Unless We Win


Our law firm is committed to providing risk-free personal injury attorney services. We will never ask for your credit card and we will never send you a bill. You will not owe us a penny unless we win your case. This guarantee means you can get top level personal injury legal representation in Louisville and throughout Kentucky without any upfront costs. We take on all the financial risk and front all case expenses. That way, you can concentrate on recovering from your injuries without stressing over having to pay legal fees. This model motivates us to get the best possible results for you. We are passionate about what we do so we fight hard for you to get you the compensation you deserve.

Free Consultation Right Now


Don’t Wait, Call Tate! We are happy to chat with you at any time. Tate or one of our lawyers will provide you with a 100% free legal consultation. Simply call us at (502) 309-9213, fill out the form, or start a live chat now.