Injuries sustained in a truck accident can pay big! Trucking injury accidents typically pay more than car vs car injury accidents. Your average car accident injury case may not pay for you and your family’s trips to Disney World every year, but a truck accident case may just pay for those trips plus more.

Reasons Trucking Accidents Pay More

There are several reasons why injuries sustained in a trucking accident typically pay bigger than a car vs car accident:

1. Size and Weight of Trucks

First, the massive size and weight of a semi truck lead to a heightened risk for causing extreme damage and worse injuries or even death. The weight and size of a tractor trailer means that any car, SUV, pickup truck, motorcycle, or other type of vehicle is going to take the brunt of the impact if it’s involved in a wreck with an 18-wheeler.

2. Naming the Trucking Company

Another reason that trucking injury accidents typically pay out more is because you can name the trucking company as a defendant in a truck accident lawsuit. In a car vs car accident, on the other hand, you typically can only name the at-fault driver as a defendant in the lawsuit. The rules of evidence even disallow you from mentioning insurance at trial. Thus, a jury is likely to be a bit more sympathetic to an individual person defendant as opposed to a trucking company defendant because they are thinking that the person doesn’t have the big pockets a big trucking company has.

3. Jury Perception

Ultimately, what lawyers and insurance companies are trying to figure out when valuing your injury case is how much a jury would award you for your injuries and damages. People in general, and thus jurors, are typically a bit scared of the massive size and height of 18 wheelers and as a result, are likely to award more money in a truck injury case.

4. Commercial Insurance Policies

Lastly, truck companies carry commercial insurance policies on their trucks. These types of insurance policies almost always have a large amount of insurance policy limits. Automobile owners, on the other hand, however, sometimes don’t even have automobile insurance and many car owners, even if they do have insurance, only carry the minimal amount of insurance available for an injury victim to pursue. As such, a big payday for a trucking accident case is more likely than in a car versus car accident case.


If you were injured in a trucking accident in Kentucky, remember: don’t wait, call Tate.

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