This is Kentucky Injury Lawyer Tate Meagher with Meagher Injury Lawyers. Do you have to repay your health insurance company out of your injury settlement? The short answer is yes. For any accident-related medical treatment paid by your health insurer, your health insurer is entitled to reimbursement out of your injury settlement. Thus, your health insurer has a lien on your injury case.

Understanding Health Insurance Liens

Keep in mind your health insurer likely gets to pay at a discounted rate as health insurers commonly have contracts in place with medical providers to allow them to pay at a discounted rate. In exchange, the medical provider agrees to adjust the amount of the charges for the benefit of you as the patient. Because of this, I would certainly encourage any injury victim to treat with medical providers that are in-network with their health insurer.

Retaining a Lawyer

Also, because health insurers have a lien on your case, it’s wise, in my opinion, to retain a lawyer for your injury case. Your attorney can usually negotiate with your health insurer at the end of your injury case and get the amount owed back to the health insurer reduced even more.


Remember, if you have been injured in an accident, don’t wait—call Tate. Also, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch more of my videos. Thanks for reading!