This is Kentucky Injury Lawyer Tate Meagher with Meagher Injury Lawyers. In this post, I am going to go over five types of evidence to gather and preserve after a motor vehicle accident in Louisville, Kentucky.

1. Photos of the Accident Scene and Property Damage

It is important to take photos of the accident scene and the property damage to the vehicles involved. If you are unable to do so, have a loved one come to the scene and take the photos for you. This evidence can be crucial when trying to prove liability against the other driver and can also help show the severity of the accident.

2. Police Report

Make sure you call the police and request that they come to the scene. Provide your statement of how the accident happened to the police officer so that your version of the accident is documented on the police report.

3. Vehicle Debris

Preserve any vehicle debris from the accident. This can be important in a car accident case because wrecked vehicles may reveal clues about the direction from which a vehicle was struck and the speed of the oncoming vehicle. This type of evidence should be preserved in case an accident reconstruction expert needs to review and evaluate it to reconstruct the accident and prove liability against the other driver.

4. Witness Contact Information

If there are any witnesses to your accident, make sure you speak with them or have a loved one do so if you can’t. Get their name and contact information and ask if they can stay at the scene to talk to the police and provide their statement.

5. Medical Records and Bills

This evidence is needed to prove your injuries and damages and will need to be sent to the other driver’s insurance company as proof of your damages. If you retain an attorney, your attorney will be able to obtain these records for you.


Remember, if you have been involved in an accident, don’t wait—call Tate. Also, be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel and watch more of my videos. Thanks for reading!